Alex Urquhart
Geomatics Professional

Hugo-Geo Theme Now Available On The Hugo Themes Index

Tags: hugo github open-source blog

I have contributed my personal website theme, called hugo-geo, to the offical Hugo Themes Index! Hugo is a fast, portable static site generator written in Go, and writing this theme is my first official venture into front-end web work. The theme aims to be fully responsive, and designed for post and tutorial sections.

Example Site Demo

View the Getting Started Tutorial

After I released the theme I realized that having other sites created using the same colour scheme as my website could possibly be misleading, so I have since re-themed my website using the Flat-UI scheme published on Adobe Color CC. I really like and am proud of both colour schemes, and am looking to publish a small tutorial very shortly on how to modify the theme using the LESS CSS pre-processor.

Using the theme?

I’ve had a few awesome people who are using my theme contact me and provide feedback. I’d love to hear from anyone who is finds the theme useful, and am always looking for collaborators.

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